Abigail Gray

Undergraduate Senior

Curriculum vitae

Psychology Department

Southern Virginia University

Research Interests

Existential Psychology 
  • How the concept and construct of death changes across groups (e.g. religious individuals and atheists).
  • How the way we treat and view death as a society impacts other areas of our society (e.g. how we treat disabled individuals).
  • Differences in death anxiety and perception of death in different social groups (religions, sexual orientations, etc.)
  • Terror Management Theory in relation to existential and death psychology.
  • Differences and unique aspects of prejudice in different marginalized groups, particularly sexual orientations (how does prejudice towards asexual individuals differ from prejudice towards lesbians, etc).
  • Research in the way prejudice is experienced in groups that with little to no research (e.g. prejudice towards asexuals, children, etc). 
  • The intersectionality of different areas of research and the LGBTQ+ population, specifically areas of research with little to no research on this population specifically. 
  • Influences that induce and reduce prejudice (e.g. religiosity).
  • How religion shapes and influences day to day life and beliefs.
  • The positive and reinforcing aspect of religion, as well as the harm that religion can cause. 
  • The intersectionality between religion and prejudice, and the way they can influence each other. 
LGBTQ+ Topics
  • Investigating areas in psychology research that have little to no research on marginalized groups, especially LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • General overlapping of LGBTQ+ topics in existential research and research on prejudice/bias

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